Meet Timmy of the Month: Do Hustle and Heart, They Will Set You Apart
26 Dec 19 | 14:40
Amelia Rosary

The other Timmy of the Month is Dizi Levina Budiono (Dizi). She has made it to show her great adaptability to her new role as an Account Manager after being the Digital Strategies at IDN Creator Network as well as her willingness to help other Timmys.
Kudos, Dizi, you're finally chosen as one of the Timmys of the Month! What's your role at IDN Media?
Yes, what a pleasure! I'm the Account Manager of IDN Creator Network.
Anyway, do you like being an Account Manager of IDN Creator Network?
Communicating externally with my clients is all I'm into. I was once planning to be an Account Manager, but since I was a fresh graduate of Business Administration from Seattle University, I was given a chance to start my career as the Digital Strategies at IDN Creator Network who would mostly do reporting and budgeting.
With what you do, how do you claim yourself to be helpful for the people around you and the company?
As I previously mentioned, because I first started my career path as a Digital Strategies, I will mostly help the internal team of IDN Creator Network. I've been accustomed to the workflow and the little things that should be done when, for example, there is this sudden request to make a proposal.
What's your pole star or guideline to undergo your own life?
Well, I'm an extrovert, so communicating, interacting with other people, such as our friends or team will do much for our lives. Don't forget to just take it easy! I mean, yes, we have a lot of things to work on, we're busy, but enjoy every process—it is what it is, enjoy it or mourn it.
How do you usually tackle problems—life problems and problems at work?
Again, as I'm an extrovert, I'll share my problem with my closest friends—of course, not with random people. Sharing life problems and problems I may find at work with them makes me feel so relieved. It's just as easy as that!
How do you react over any negative news—literally any negative news currently happening in our country?
I don't see things from one side. Yes, we've always been judgmental, right, but I say, limit it. We'd better not make it worse by hurting other people with what we think and say. It will end up making another problem.
Why are you grateful to become a part of a startup media company like IDN Media?
IDN Media is a startup company that, I believe, has shown much of development. In the very first time, I had no idea what KOL (Key Opinion Leader) meant, but now connecting with what our consumers are gravitating towards seems to be an ordinary thing. Other than the digital advertising, I'm very into IDN Media because the place has no seniority. We can ask several things we don't know without having to be doubtful. In brief, I know that Dizi today isn't Dizi a year ago. I've changed a lot, I believe, but more in a positive way.
What do you dream about?
I want to be an independent woman in the next five years—even if I have someone to rely on, I'll try to do it on my own first before asking for their help.
What's your saying for other Account Managers out there so yougguys can give your best performance at work?
Never forget that, no matter how hard we want to be independent, we still have a support system that will never let us down—they will surely hold our back. Always hold the idea that being a cheerful and pleasant person will not drive us into a wrong direction. Instead, those traits will bring you closer to your customer so that you can approach them not only professionally but also personally. It works way better!
What do you do to keep being happy while working in a fast-paced company?
Although our brain is full of tasks, I always mingle with other people around me. It's a lot of energy that I get! Oh, I will also be happy when I can get my jobs done. Therefore, I will write down the top 3 things that I need to finish that day before anything else. It makes me focus more on my targets.
"Do Hustle and Heart, They Will Set You Apart" is the magic Dizi believes in. She fulfills the dreams and goals of hers in her mind by realistically hustle, to do the leg-work in order to survive. Not to forget, understanding that the people around her are the ones who can help her in every probable situation, she wants to always get herself closer to them by helping them do simple little things they need.
Timmy of the Month is a reward for Timmys who embrace Timmyness fully, take extra miles in doing their job, spread positivity (yes, it's all about positive vibe), and high standard of integrity.