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Ganjar Pranowo's 3 Ultimate Steps to Get Closer to the People

18 Jan 20 | 17:00

Amelia Rosary

Ganjar Pranowo's 3 Ultimate Steps to Get Closer to the People

Starting the discussion about "The Power of Local Leadership" on “Visionary Leaders” stage with jokes, Ganjar Pranowo, the Governor of Central Java, intended to remove the social gap to be able to get closer to his people. He, then, delivered 3 ultimate things that a leader could do to be close to the people.

  1. Being able to communicate

“The first thing popping up in our head when it comes to the government is a solution—most people will come only to complain and they expect a solution from the government.  Communicating well is one of the solutions because a leader shouldn't act exclusively. Instead, he/she should listen to and mingle with his/her people—the embodiment of "mangan ora mangan sing penting kumpul": with togetherness, we can express our sympathy, our awareness of what others may feel."

  1. The symbol of solution

“Departing from awareness, we'll start thinking of some suitable, applicable solutions for them. For the real step, Central Java has been utilizing "Laporgub Masyarakat": whatever the problems may be, officials have 1x24 hours to answer the complaints. If not being able to fulfill this standard, demotion will be the consequence. Other than that, in order to help Small Micro and Medium Enterprises develop without having to get involved in complicated debts, Central Java can eventually create a system with the lowest interest rate credit in Indonesia, which is 7% and 2%—no collateral costs that burden. This system was once invented, of course, with careful calculation as well as thorough observation."


  1. Removing gap

“Communicating is one of the ways to remove the gap. When trying to apply a new policy and it doesn't run smoothly like expected, for example, it's okay to let the people know the obstacle. Share the chronology if it's possible. Besides that, I always consider my uniform to be something keeping me away from my people. Therefore, I initiated the idea to wear Batik, Javanese traditional costumes, national customs, too一a symbol for the beauty of our diversities.  Keki uniform will still be worn, but only on Monday. I have already proven that the people are more comfortable chatting with me ever since. In addition, this system also helps the revenue of Small Micro and Medium Enterprises in Central Java that focus on Batik improve, too."

Leaders in this digital era should be smart enough in adjusting themselves with the new style of leadership. What was  trending now, according to Ganjar, was an inclusive style of leadership. More information could be accessed by downloading IDN App on Google Play or Play Store.

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