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Meet Timmy: and Happy Parents

19 Feb 20 | 10:44

Amelia Rosary

Meet Timmy: and Happy Parents

Because last 18 February 2020 was the second anniversary of, it would be interesting to have a closer look at one of the Timmys that took an important part in the parenting platform. F. X. Dimas Prasetyo would tell us his life in after 2 years of working at IDN Media.

All we mainly knew about was its focus on providing parenting content for millennial parents. However, when we asked Dimas about something else it actually had, he mentioned, “ provides a lot of other kinds of information. They include various topics related to fashion, beauty, health, sex, even home living! Home living is more about the tips and tricks to make your home look prettier and feel homier.” 

By becoming a one-stop platform for millennial parents, would not only present parenting knowledge that could be their guideline in raising and taking care of their kids, but it would also give many new perspectives on how to make the parents themselves happy. “Happy parents, happy kids. That’s what believes,” Dimas stated.

That parents, especially mamas, should be happy was really the breath brought into its life after its 4th birthday last 18 February 2020. In a larger scope, wanted to always contribute to the success of Indonesian parents and the growth of Indonesian children.

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