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A Glimpse of IDN Media's New Occupants and a Present for All Timmys in the 5th Anniversary of IDN Media

11 Oct 19 | 09:40

Amelia Rosary

A Glimpse of IDN Media's New Occupants and a Present for All Timmys in the 5th Anniversary of IDN Media

After its 5th anniversary last June 8, 2019, IDN Media is soon having a celebration next October 17-18, 2019, called Timmy Turns Five #TT5. It’s a big gathering that will unite Timmys from all offices around Indonesia. As a startup company gaining an image as a fun place to work for Millennials and Gen Z, IDN Media has become one of the most-wanted workplaces since the number of employees has reached up to 300 now. New Timmys who just joined last September 2019 were invited to have an interview with us.

In order to know the new Timmys’ first impression of IDN Media, we had a  small-talk with them. Dhany, IDN Creative’s Project Manager, said, “What was on the top of our heads at that time was IDN Media’s being appreciative of diversities.” The impression has turned out to be what it truly is because the values of IDN Media basically see diversities and inclusivities as good things to embrace.

As new Timmys, they all honestly admitted that the step they had taken at IDN Media was a fresh one to go on doing what they liked after all this time. Amelia, another new Timmy told us her experience being 4 weeks in the company, she said, “Terrific! As a Public Relations & Content Creator, writing has been all that I’ve wanted. Well, I’ve surely found some obstacles, but IDN Media is open to communication that flows between subordinates and superiors of the organization. It makes me and every Timmy in the company have our jobs done easily. Plus, IDN Media’s values are very in line with my vision.”

As stated before, since #TT5 will be celebrated next 17-18 October 2019, Besti, our Senior Digital Ads Associate, told us her expectations by having #TT5 next week. She said, “I heard there’d be a session with somebody insightful. I’m not even sure who the person is going to be, but I just can’t wait to have something useful and fun at the same time. As I’m new in the company, I believe this #TT5 is also going to be a bonding time for me personally with all other Timmys!”

For IDN Media, all Timmys are priceless since each of them is the one carving the future of the company. Our synergy is like a whole orchestra—it takes each of them to play a symphony. Therefore, in the 5th-anniversary celebration of IDN Media later, we want to give another present to make them realize their values as an individual building up our team.

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