IDN Media x Indonesia Student and Youth Forum Brought 250 Students
12 Nov 19 | 11:22
Amelia Rosary

It was very terrific that Indonesia Student and Youth Forum came to IDN Media HQ last November 7, 2019. It brought 250 students from 197 schools from all across Indonesia to our new home. Three of those schools were SMAN 1 Merauke, SMAN 8 Ternate, and SMAN 1 Sebatik. IDN Media HQ melting pot was full of students with different backgrounds of culture.
The event was opened one of our News Editor, Rochmanudin. He spoke about the products of IDN Media, such as IDN Times, Popbela.com, Popmama.com, Yummy, GGWP.ID, Duniaku.com, IDN Creative, IDN Event, IDN Creator Network. However, as a News Editor, Rochman specified his talk by focusing on IDN Times. “There are various sorts of digital media today. Because of the easy access, many don't provide accurate information about certain issues so that it causes hoaxes and provoking news. As a media company, we actually have several roles—the most significant one is to be a watchdog of the government, for example, so we need to convey only what's correct and important for the citizens," he explained in response to the fact that there was news which wasn't worth spreading lately, but it was even still consumed anyway by most citizens.
To face this, doing some check and recheck wouldn't be very helpful if it didn't come with a critical and wise mind. That way, we wouldn't be easily tricked by those hoaxes triggering commotions in our society. On this chance as well, IDN Media let the students know that we also had a platform called IDN Times Community Writer in which every single individual who wanted to contribute to give good insights and information could write about whatever they wished, like incidents in their hometowns, recommended restaurants or tourism destinations there. We encouraged these young souls to at least start understanding how it was to write and give a positive contribution at the same time.
Here, we also met Ressy Gusri Andini as the Public Relations of Indonesia Student and Youth Forum (ISYF). She said, "Basically, according to Ressy, the forum stood on the basis of awareness and concern for Indonesian youth and actively involved in Indonesia youth development through increasing awareness, development and empowerment. Since IDN Media has almost the same values, we want IDN Media to become one of the places where they can learn." The members came from all around Indonesia and they'd gather in one time to keep themselves updated with the most recent issue in Indonesia—this time, it discussed the roles of media in our country, Indonesia. We welcomed each student to enjoy their time at IDN Media HQ.