On Behalf of IDN Media, IDN Foundation Gives Relief for the Victims of Natural Disasters in Several Regions of Indonesia
Amelia Rosary
23 Feb 21 | 11:00
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On behalf of IDN Media, IDN Foundation has just initiated a fundraising campaign for the victims of natural disasters in several regions in Indonesia. The campaign, #KitaIDN: Bantu Korban Bencana Alam Indonesia, is being carried out on the Kitabisa.com platform https:// Bibleisa.com/campaign/kitaidnbantukorbanbencanaalam. The funds collected will be allocated for the basic needs of the victims, such as food, groceries, medicines, personal hygiene tools, and other needs.
Allocating some of the donations to those affected by the landslides in Malunda, Majene, West Sulawesi, IDN Media provided some units of water tanks on February 15, 2021. With the provision of the water tanks, adequate access to water for the victims in the evacuation sites would be no longer detrimental and an environment conducive for surviving was eventually created.
On February 18, 2021, IDN Media distributed basic and ready-to-eat food stocks for the victims of floods and landslides in Nganjuk, East Java. On February 19, 2021, basic needs, such as toiletries, milk for babies as well as toddlers, and warm clothes were also distributed for those affected by the floods in Manado. Other parties, namely Lembaga Kemanusiaan One Care, Kitabisa, dan Dompet Dhuafa helped IDN Foundation with all the coordination.
Along with the campaign #KitaIDN: Bantu Korban Bencana Alam Indonesia, IDN Media, through the IDN Foundation, intends to eagerly raise the sense of optimism, the inclination to anticipate the best possible outcome during this time of hardship. We are surely able to go through this difficult time together because we are Indonesia. #KitaIDN Zefanya Deby, Head of Communications for IDN Media: “Through IDN Foundation, we would like to invite our readers and communities to get involved in giving hands to the victims of the natural disasters taking place in several regions of Indonesia. Currently, IDN Foundation is focusing on some areas which include West Sulawesi, Nganjuk, and Manado. Later, the donations collected will be disbursed periodically and allocated to several other areas, which are also affected by the natural disasters.”