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IDN Media Becomes the Executive Producer of Film NKCTHI

Amelia Rosary

8 Aug 19 | 18:28

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Film NKCTHI (Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini) marks IDN Media's first involvement in Indonesia movie industry. This movie will be released in 2020 in a collaboration with Visinema Pictures,, and XRM Media. Angga Dwimas Sasongko, Founder & CEO of Visinema Pictures, will become the Director of NKCTHI. Anggia Kharisma will become the Producer and work together with Michael Y. Chow, a Hollywood film producer.

Film NKCTHI features prominent actors and actresses in Indonesia movie industry, including Rachel Amanda, Rio Dewanto, Sheila Dara, Donny Damara, Susan Bachtiar, Chicco Jerikho, Putri Marino, Oka Antara, Ardhito Pramono, Umay Shahab, Muhammad Adhiyat, Sinyo, dan Agla Artalidia. It is confirmed that Rachel Amanda will play the lead role as Awan. 

Adapted from a best-selling book written by Marchella FP, NKCTHI is a social phenomenon among Millennials and Gen Z in Indonesia. Published in October 2018, 1000 copies were sold instantly in 1 minute. Its official Instagram account, @nkcthi, which regularly posts quotes from the book currently has more than 1.2 million followers. Marchella is also the author of another best-selling books: Generasi90an and Generasi90 Kemarin Sore.

Winston Utomo, Founder & CEO of IDN Media: “Steven Spielberg once said, 'Every time I go to a movie, it’s magic, no matter what the movie is about'. Like many of us, my love for movies has impacted my life in many different ways. It inspires and empowers me to be a better person, while at the same time it sparks my imagination and creativity. Movies are also my constant source of motivation to build and grow IDN Media.

Understanding the positive impacts that movies can bring to people’s lives, IDN Media decides to enter the movie industry by becoming the Executive Producer of NKCTHI (Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini). We believe that NKCTHI aligns with our vision, which is to positively impact society, especially to Millennials and Gen Z in Indonesia”

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