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IDN Media Launched, A Geek Culture Media for Millennial and Gen Z

Amelia Rosary

6 Sep 19 | 15:14

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Today, 6 September 2019, Winston Utomo (Founder & CEO IDN Media), together with Minister of Communication and Information Technology, Rudiantara, and Editor-in-Chief IDN Times, Uni Lubis, officially launched, the leading geek culture media for Millennials and Gen Z in Indonesia., previously known as, was originally founded in 2011. Since the beginning, has been known for its extensive and latest content about geek culture, including games, anime, manga, comics, film, toy, technology, and gadgets. Now, being the latest addition to IDN Media’s portfolio, audiences will find a new and revamped look of’s platform, which will be more relevant to Millennial and Gen Z.

Geek culture has evolved from time to time while maintaining a strong presence in society. Although geek culture enthusiast spanned a wide range of ages, Millennial and Gen Z are currently the biggest and most active consumers of geek culture. Through, IDN Media is embracing creative expression from all geek culture enthusiasts and explore possibilities of positive contribution that geek culture can bring for Indonesia. This spirit is in line with IDN Media’s vision, which is to positively impact society. 

Winston Utomo, Founder & CEO IDN Media - “We are very excited with the launch of has been the leading geek culture media in the past few years, with strong and loyal user base. By integrating to IDN Media, we envision that can fulfill its vision: to positively impact society by becoming the voice of geek culture in Indonesia.”

Uni Lubis, Editor-in-Chief IDN Times & - “We are optimist that could inspire Millennial and Gen Z to become a part of creative community in the era of Industry 4.0. Hopefully, creative content with journalistic approach from can contribute to digital literacy, which is very crucial among this rapid flow of information."

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