Indonesia Millennial Summit 2020: 1st Line-Up for the Speakers
Amelia Rosary
13 Nov 19 | 09:40
Heading 2

Indonesia Millennial Summit is one of the most significant events that IDN Media annually holds. In the next few months, specifically 17-18 January 2020, the event is going to be back with exactly the same goal: to shape Indonesia's future by bringing in many top leaders from all across industries.
Taking place in The Tribrata, Jakarta, Indonesia Millennial Summit 2020 is going to have several interesting topics. The first one that comes will be "Visionary Leaders"—with Siti Nurbaya Bakar (Minister of Environment and Forestry), Ganjar Pranowo (Governor of Central Java), Samuel Tabuni (Founder of Maga Education Papua Foundation and Papua Language Institute), and three other well-known governmental speakers, the first topic will be all about how public and private sector leaders work collaboratively in order to overcome social as well as economic issues that happen lately in our country.
As the second topic, we have "Future is Female"—a conference for women who want to inspire and get inspired by other women. With this conference attended by Luna Maya (Actress and Entrepreneur), Carline Darjanto (Founder, CEO, & Creative Director of CottonInk), Ria Sarwono (Founder, Brand & Marketing Director), and Ykha Amelz (Illustrator), we can share about our careers, ambition, stories, fear, and problems. It is a solutive movement to empower every woman to take their stand, own their voices, and to show their journeys to the world to create better pathways for other women in the future—together we empower.
"Talent Trifecta" in Indonesia Millennial Summit 2020 can help us meet iconic artists, industry professionals, and uprising talents, such as Aqsa Aswar (Jetski Gold Medalist in Asian Games 2018), Adib Hidayat (Editor-in-Chief of Billboard Indonesia), Stephany Josephine (Host of Narasi TV), and three other speakers that can positively influence our society to be way better as well as smarter. The last topic is going to be about the true and correct meaning of "Hijrah". Ustad Abu Fida (Religious Leader), Muzammil Hasballah (Quran Reciter), Atiatul Muqtadir (Chairman of Universitas Gadjah Mada Student Executive Board 2019), and some other speakers will invite us to realize the importance of sharing this issue with our heterogeneous society so that we'll practically become more aware of tolerance.
With Indonesia Millennial Summit 2020, we want to unlock the potential of those who have the strong will to move the nation. To get yourself involved, get the pass by simply clicking this link bit.ly/buyticketsIMS2020.