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Here are the 4 Advantages of Joining Indonesia Millennial Summit 2020

10 Jan 20 | 14:57

Amelia Rosary

Here are the 4 Advantages of Joining Indonesia Millennial Summit 2020

Do you know the latest issues around us? To get to know the most recent ones more deeply, Indonesia Millennial Summit 2020 in The Tribrata on 17-18 January 2020 will be a discussion forum that brings together Indonesian leaders, both from the public and private sectors, with millennials to explore them in-depth.

Here are 4 positive things we will get after attending the Indonesia Millennial Summit 2020:

  1. Knowing the latest issues

It turns out that only 1 out of 4 millennials who follows political news and understand it critically. The future of this country is in our hands, so by comprehending the national issues presented by Indonesia Millennial Summit 2020 well, our voice will certainly influence the policymaking. On the other hand, if we’re still careless about it, the steps that we’re going to make won’t result in any significant changes. We don’t have to be a regulator to get involvedーwe can just contribute to the better image of Indonesia by becoming the best version of ourselves and giving the best that we can afford in any things that we do. 

  1. Becoming antiabuse millennials

Voicing our perspectives on governmental policies is not wrong, but Ridwan Kamil in Indonesia Millennial Summit 2019 once said, "This country needs young people looking for solutions, not those who are abusive." With two-way communication between our regulators and millennials that takes place in Indonesia Millennial Summit 2020, we can understand not only what millennial wants, but also the obstacles that the government may face in implementing their regulationsーcollaboratively understanding each other is the answer.

  1. Diversity is beautiful

Attended by many millennials all across the country with various backgrounds, Indonesia Millennial Summit 2020 will also be a tool to declare the value of Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Jusuf Kala in Indonesia Millennial Summit last year stated, "For us, diversity is number one, in addition to respecting parents. That way, we have that one priceless value.” In addition to growing a sense of pride in the richness that our country has, there will be a moment full of emotion when we find out how beautiful and strong Indonesia is when are firmly united. 

  1. Getting inspiration to start a business

Not only growing that sense of unity, Indonesia Millennial Summit 2020, which is going to be attended by many CEOs of various industrial sectors, will also be a place where their success stories are accommodated. Departing from that point, this summit, then, is expected to be a stimulation for the formation of new communities that include millennials who want to have side-jobs besides their main jobs.

Those are the four positive things we hopefully can get from Indonesia Millennial Summit 2020: knowing the latest issues, becoming millennials who are willing to compromise, respect differences, and gain business inspiration. Don't miss Indonesia Millennial Summit 2020 within one week!

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