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Meet Timmy of the Month: This is What They Say About Work-Life Balance and Diversity in the Workplace

26 Aug 19 | 18:46

Amelia Rosary

Meet Timmy of the Month: This is What They Say About Work-Life Balance and Diversity in the Workplace

We can't always choose whom we're working with. Sometimes you'll work with someone whose age is twice yours. The next time you'll have to negotiate with someone with different point of view. Therefore, diversity becomes an inseparable part of our work life. This time, we have the opportunity to ask our Timmy of the Month, Amelinda Fuad (Amel) and Angeline Priscilla (Angeline), about their work at IDN Media and how they view diversity in the work place.

Hi Amel and Angel! Congratulations for being selected as Timmy of the Month! Please tell us a bit about your role in IDN Media.


I’m a part of IDN Event. Currently the IDN Event is divided into two teams: signature event team & custom event team. I work on the custom event team. So the first thing I need to do is creating event proposal based on client’s brief. Once the proposal is approved, I will be responsible from event planning to execution, from budgeting to rundown. Last but not least, create event report for clients and internal review.


Thank you :) My role in IDN Media is as accountant who specifically handle reimbursement from all Timmys.


Still in the spirit of Indonesian independence day, both of you must be familiar with our country’s motto, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika or Unity in Diversity. In your opinion, how important is diversity in the workplace?


So important! With diverse working environment, we are able to exchange ideas and perspective to complete and improve each other.


Diversity in the workplace is very important. We can learn from our friends who have different opinions and style.

As Timmy of the Month, you must have given your best at work. Do you have any tips to maintain a good work-life balance so you can perform well at work while still being happy?


First of all, don’t feel reluctant to befriend your working partner, especially the new one. Then finish your work at the office so you can still have time to play or take rest after it. The most important one is to enjoy whatever you are doing and any situation that you are facing. If currently you are facing bad circumstances, tell yourself “the storm will pass”.


Hehehe, not really, I’m still trying to be better. My tips to have a good work-life balance: try to focus on your work while at the office, finish your deadline and go home on time. So you will have enough time to hang out with friends or having me time.

Okay, last question for both of you. If IDN Media has a dream to give positive impact in society, what about your dream?


To become a person that can make myself and people around me happy. Also to give positive impact that can help to build Indonesia. Let me tell you something, “If you want something good in your life, just do good all the time.” Hehehe.


Hopefully myself and my surroundings will be more appreciative toward diversity. I wish our society will become more tolerant. Our differences should unite us and motivate us to do something positive for our country.


Timmy of the Month is a reward for Timmys who embrace Timmyness fully, take extra miles in doing their job, embrace Timmyness, spread positivity (yes, it's all about positive vibe), and has a very high standard of integrity.

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