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Stress Awareness Day in Timmy's Perspective: Sharing Does Heal

6 Nov 19 | 09:50

Amelia Rosary

Stress Awareness Day in Timmy's Perspective: Sharing Does Heal

Do you recognize that the first Wednesday in November each year is a Stress Awareness Day? This year, we have it on November 6, 2019. International Stress Awareness Day is actually a chance to take some time to think about our wellbeing. We have one of our Timmys, Denisa Permataningtyas (Denisa), that will let us know how she manages her stress. 

As a Community Editor of Popmama (, Denisa said that she surely found challenges in taking care of the Popmama community forum—she even mentioned that her stress level was 7 out of 10. When we asked her about the insecurities she had, she told us that the one she worried the most was the target fulfillment at work. “However, having a discussion with my co-workers in order to solve a certain problem or find a quiet place to think and discover new ideas can help me overcome my insecurity. While to relieve my stress, I usually listen to music and have some me-time to watch a movie or groom my cats at home,” she stated. 

Being a Community Editor, there was no doubt that Denisa was often assigned with multiple tasks at the same time and it became one of the causes of her stress at work. For Denisa, “Time management apparently does help me a lot. Every week, I need to find many kinds of fun challenges related to parental issues in order to tone up the community forum that I take care of. In addition, almost at the same time, I also have to become the moderator of any discussion in the forum so that it goes smoothly. To make the two not overlapped, I have to already prepare for it a long before, so I don’t have to be in a rush and let it be done untidily."

A Timmy like her also paid attention to other Timmys who might need her help in order to tackle down their insecurities and stress. "I'm very open to any sharing. I'd be very glad to be a listener for my friends who need a place to tell his or her story because I always believe that sharing heals too," she emphasized that caring was one of the ways we could do to show our value of inclusion.

We all know how it feels to be stressed out because there are many things that most likely can make us feel under pressure. It is, indeed, a normal part of life, but if sharing how we feel over something with somebody else can help us ease the situation we're facing, why not?

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