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Raising Book Donation, IDN Foundation Successfully Collects 2808 Books to be Distributed to Saung Baca and Learning Communities

Amelia Rosary

2 Dec 20 | 17:34

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IDN Media's rising concern over the jolt that the education sector in Indonesia is facing due to the pandemic has prompted to establish a reading corner for children-in-need. The book donation has managed to collect 2808 books as of 24 November 2020.

That is to say, it’s even exceeded the initial donation target, which was 1000 books. These books consist of various types of books, such as children's books, encyclopedias/dictionaries, comics, novels, and elementary to high school textbooks. These books will later be donated to Saung Baca IDN Foundation, which is currently still under construction.

However, the large number of books collected enables IDN Foundation to also distribute some of these books to several other reading corners and learning communities. Being aligned with IDN Media's vision, namely to bring #PositiveImpact to society, IDN Media is committed to boosting Indonesian children’s literacy interest. Thus, new insights will be obtained, the willingness to learn will be increased, and access to information will be continuously secured.

Saung Baca IDN Foundation becomes another alternative for smaller communities who find challenges in accessing virtual learning. Despite being carried out offline, strict health protocols will be undoubtedly applied. That way, the children in Sepatan Village can run their activities safely and enthusiastically. 

Zefanya Deby, Head of Communications IDN Media: "The education sector that is also hardly struck by the outbreak has become one of the IDN Foundation's main concerns because online learning, indeed, presents new challenges, particularly with uneven access to technology and inadequate online teaching methods. Therefore, in times of uncertainty, we believe that education is something basic that surely must run sustainably. With this reading corner and the 1000 book donation program, we hope the education process will go on as always, especially for the people that still find online learning as something similar to a challenge."

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