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Established amid the Outbreak, IDN Pictures Unites Optimistic and Collaborative Energy on Its First Commemoration

Amelia Rosary

26 Apr 21 | 09:00

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On April 24, 2021, IDN Pictures has just turned one. Initiated in the midst of uncertainty due to the pandemic, IDN Pictures comes along with optimism and determination to continue to push the growth of the film industry in Indonesia. As a technology-based film company focusing on storytelling and data to create engaging films and video content for Millennials & Gen Z in Indonesia, IDN Pictures has immediately put its first step to start the journey. Now, the production of its very first film, Balada Si Roy film, has been quickly and thoroughly done.

On its first anniversary, not only wanting to propel the growth of the film industry in the country, IDN Pictures also wants to be a creative platform for all Timmys to produce slick as well as impactful stories, especially for Millennials & Gen Z in Indonesia. “It is not an easy situation, indeed, but that should not block us from maintaining communication and cohesion. Although we rarely meet due to the Flexible Working Arrangement (FWA) policy, we should still compromise, so that IDN Pictures can better, more insightful campaigns, stories, and films,” said Susanti Dewi, the Head of IDN Pictures.

Living side by side with the coronavirus for more than a year, IDN Pictures hails the coming of a better day by opening up opportunities for all filmmakers to collaborate. Fajar Nugros, the Head of IDN Pictures, stated, "With the irreplaceable cinematic experience, I am positive that the film industry will sustain, but surely it is not without the hard work of various parties, including the government. Let's collaborate to nurture the business.”

Fajar Nugros, Head of IDN Pictures - “In spite of the fact that almost all industries have been hit hard by the pandemic, rest assured that this too shall pass. In this unfavorable time, we must keep on moving, creating opportunities. Stay productive even if you have to go through other mediums, like writing, for example. Keep on searching, keep on creating your personal stories.”

Susanti Dewi, Head of IDN Pictures - “I am touched to reminisce the day when IDN Pictures was first established amid the pandemic. Along with all the challenges we’ve faced and even though what we’ve achieved is still far from what we aspire to, I am very grateful for our beloved team in IDN Pictures. I am proud that we’ve finally completed the production process of Balada Si Roy, as well as become the partner for several commercial brands to run TVC campaigns and commercials.”

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