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Parents Support Parents, Parenting Academy 2021 Helps Parents Face Parenting Challenges

Saraya Adzani

2 Dec 21 | 18:55

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IDN Media Jogja 1_edited.jpg is conducting the Parenting Academy (POPAC) 2021, an annual event dedicated to millennial families. Parenting Academy 2021 will be held online from December 1st to December 31st, 2021, bringing around the theme of "Parents Support Parents." In this pandemic era, parents are expected to do their best for their family despite several concerns ranging from health to economics. As a result, this event is expected to serve as a support system for parents as well as to protect the future generation growing up in the middle of a pandemic. Parenting Academy 2021 invites speakers, including psychologist Vera Itabiliana, pediatrician Marlyn Cecilia Malonda, psychologist Saskhya Aulia Prima, financial planner Rista Zwestika Reni, and many more from across disciplines. Parenting Academy includes a variety of events in addition to instructional sessions that will be summarized in a series of webinars, workshops, and Kuliah WhatsApp (KulWap). Parenting Academy 2021 also provides parenting guidelines presented in an e-book as a support system that acknowledges the perspective of millennial parents. 

The e-book will include knowledge about education, health, finance, and the prevention of violence against children, which will support parents in understanding how to raise their children in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, welcomes you to share kindness and happiness by donating to the Parenting Academy 2021 through one of the digital donation portals in Indonesia, The funds raised will be distributed to hundreds of children who have lost their parents due to the COVID-19.. This fundraising campaign will run until December 31, 2021. Click to kindly participate in the donation.

Sandra Ratnasari, Editor-in-chief of - “For the third time, is conducting the Parenting Academy. is here to support all parents who have fought hard to maintain their families healthy, intact, and empowered during the pandemic. The pandemic is still ongoing, but we must all prepare for a new era. The pandemic's negative impacts on children's health and education, as well as family welfare, must be addressed urgently. Meanwhile, the pandemic's positive value must be maintained. We can do it ionly f we all fight together.”

Get all the latest information about Parenting Academy (POPAC) 2021 through the official Instagram account of Popmama Parenting Academy and website!

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