Timmy of the Month: "Work Hard in Silence and Let Your Success Do the Talking"
7 Feb 20 | 09:22
Amelia Rosary
Before the month ends, let’s meet one of the two Timmys of the Month: Salverina Putri! She’s just moved to the Communications Department after being the Event Associate of IDN Event. Selected as Timmy of the Month, she constantly applies the third Timmyness: "Thriving in ambiguity and fast-paced environment with constant changes."
Congratulations, Salverina, you're selected as the Timmy of the Month! Can you share about your role at IDN Media?
Thank you! I first joined IDN Event in September 2018. Why was IDN Event in the first place? Well, I had organized quite many events when I was in college and even my previous job was also to organize events. I like dynamic routine, so interacting with other people is just one of the sources where I can get my energy. In January 2020, I eventually decided to move to Public Relations and Partnership as I had taken Communications as my major in Universitas Indonesia. I just want to get back to my own real trackーas simple as that.
Anyway, how do you like being Public Relations and Partnership at IDN Media?
Networking, of course, that’s the best answer. You know, I become the front gate of the company’s communicationーgetting to know people from many disciplines and even famous people. Like what I mentioned previously as well, I want to really implement what I have got during my college life.
With what you do, how do you claim yourself to be helpful for the people around you and the company?
Whenever I do something, I do it 101%. Some inspiring individuals that I adore also believe in that. Therefore, if my duties are all done, I will be privileged to always help others as long as I am capable of really doing that.
What's your guideline to undergo your own life?
I cling into “Nothing worth having comes easy”. If I set a certain standard and if the common sense considers it to be not easy to achieve, be ready: it’s going to be a long way. Putting the best effort that I can give is all that I’ll do in order to actualize the things I want. It is going to be hard, but let’s go, it’s a journey, after all.
How do you usually tackle problems—life problems and problems at work?
I’m the type of person who prefers staying alone, contemplating when I face some problems. When I feel like I can’t keep those problems on my own, I will need somebody to share those stories with. I mean, simply sharing our challenges with other people does make us feel relieved. Just never forget to tell the stories with those whom you trust the most.
How do you react over any negative news—literally any negative news currently happening in our country?
Anything will not affect me when I don’t experience that bad news myself. I mean, well, I won’t simply consume the news just because my friends tell me not to agree, for example. I will be more critical since I don’t want to be too judgmental over news that I myself don’t completely understand yet.
Why are you grateful to become a part of IDN Media?
The environment is very friendly, I have to admit that one. I feel involved here as no matter how little my idea that I contribute to the team is, I never feel alienated. I do like being here!
What do you dream about?
A good human is the one that is useful for others. That’s why I want to be useful and helpful for others who really need me, really. It feels like there’s an empty glass within me and it’s filled with fresh water, so it means a lot to me personally.
What's your saying for other Public Relations and Partnership Associate out there so that you guys can give your best performance at work?
I have to pay attention to details since there are many schedules I have to remember. Being easy going is another key as well. I deal a lot with other people, various backgrounds, personalities, perspectives, right, so I think I’ll really need to adapt well and give the best all out of us.
What do you do to keep being happy while working in a fast-paced company?
Hanging out with my best-friends heals a lot. Other than that, since I love reading novels, I’ll sometimes spend my weekend reading novels. My favorite author is Mitch Albom, definitely! His novels are light, but they have good life values and lessons.
"Work hard in silence and let your success do the talking” suits one of the Timmys behind the success of IMS 2020. Salverina is a hard worker, committed to her responsibilities, and able to remain calm as well as focus on a stressful situation.
Timmy of the Month is a reward for Timmys who embrace Timmyness fully, take extra miles in doing their job, spread positivity (yes, it's all about the positive vibe), and have a very high standard of integrity.